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Online Trading Flatform


IPO Stock


Information Security


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Investment is: an asset or item acquired that created with the intention of allowing money to grow or generating income.


Investment is an important step in someone’s life to achieve the desired goals in life.


Each type of Investment has the potential gain and loss. These two things are directly proportional, which mean to have Low Risk Low Return and/or High Risk High Return.

Advantages of having Hei5 Online Trading Platform

1.    Online Trading Platform available for: 

  • Smartphone (Android and iOS)

  • OLT application for Laptop/Desktop

  • Web Trading


2.    Complete feature and user friendly Online Trading Platform
Simple way to start Stock Investment and you can easy trade your stock anywhere due to all process are online starting from opening account, transaction, information and reporting related to your stock transaction

3.    Transaction Fee (Buy 0.1% and Sell 0.2% - All in)

4.    Customer Service who is ready to help and serve on Bursa Working day.

5.    Education and accompanied by Professional 

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We Provide The Best Online Trading Platform For You

Great Advantages Using Hei5 Online Trading Platform 

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Simple, Easy and Safe 

Aplikasi yang sangat sederhana,serba elektronik. 
Memudahkanmu buka akun dan langsung transaksi.
Resmi terdaftar sebagai Anggota Bursa Efek Indonesia 
dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)

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Competitive Transaction Fee

Biaya Transaksi yang kompetitif 
(Beli 0,1% dan Jual 0,2% - All in)

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Available In All Platfrom 

Online Trading Platform tersedia untuk 
Smartphone dengan Android dan iOs 
serta web trading bagi pengguna 
laptop atau desktop

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